Dive into the Pink, Inc. was started in 2015 by Allison Vitsky, a breast cancer survivor, veteran scuba diver, and underwater photographer, who wanted to raise money to fight cancer in an unconventional way - by going scuba diving with friends.
Our dive charters and dive trips let divers get together for fantastic dive adventures knowing that 100% of the proceeds will go towards survivor support and breast cancer research. And because demand for participation exceeds the number of divers we can accommodate on charters and trips, we also hold an annual underwater photo competition (the “Think Pink” contest), and an annual online auction of dive-related trips, gear, apparel, and jewelry.
Our funds are split between the Young Survival Coalition (YSC) and the Guise Laboratory at MD Anderson. The YSC is an international organization dedicated to the critical issues of young women with breast cancer - specifically, we support and promote the YSC's incredible patient support network. Dr. Theresa Guise is the Co-Director of the Bone Disease Program and the Section Chief of Bone and Mineral Disorders, Endocrine Neoplasia and Hormonal Disorders at MD Anderson; funds are earmarked for a project examining whether characteristics of the bone marrow microenvironment can alter or promote the spread of breast and other cancers to the bones.
We are a salary-free, low-administrative cost 501c3 organization.
FEIN 811215735
Registered as Charity # CT0249420 with the California Attorney General
We are a California Tax-Exempt organization
Our 2016 taxes were filed with the IRS by 990-on January 19, 2017.
Our 2017 taxes were filed with the California Franchise Tax board by 990N on January 7, 2018 and with the IRS by 990N on February 20, 2018
Our 2018 taxes were filed with the California Franchise Tax Board and the IRS by 990N on January 28, 2019
Our 2020 taxes were filed with with the California Franchise Tax Board and the IRS by 990N on January 31, 2021
Our 2021 taxes were filed with with the California Franchise Tax Board on April 16, 2022 and the IRS by 990N on March 20, 2022
contact us at info@diveintothepink.org